Saturday, February 24, 2024

My Strength Comes From the Lord

I was a little disappointed in my recent bloodwork results this past week. While most of my numbers are improving, the snails pace is frustrating when I think of everything I’ve changed in my life and all the extra modalities and supplements I’m using daily. Even though I knew from the beginning that this was not going to be an overnight healing. (Still praying for that miraculous healing though!!) I know that healing the natural way takes time.  I tell people that all the time, so I’m not sure why I expected this journey, this major journey, to be different. 

I was also a little upset about the RGCC test being so difficult and expensive to obtain. This is a blood test that I’ve been trying to obtain  It’s a test out of Greece that is able to determine the type and stage of the cancer as well as give insight to the treatments and supplements that will and will not work with my particular cancer. This test will allow my doctor to better understand what we are dealing with, and also give my future oncologist (if needed) a heads up on which chemotherapy drug would be most effective for my exact cancer cells. 

Unfortunately, this test is not done in the US, and only a handful of doctors are certified by the company in Greece to draw the blood, send it off to Greece properly, and interpret the results.  It is so maddening that this test is out there being used in other countries and helping so many cancer patients around the world, yet almost unknown here in the US where we are suppose to be advanced in everything.  

Add that to the fact that it’s another huge out of pocket expense because it’s not “accepted” in our medical world.  It is so frustrating that I’m forced to pay for medical insurance every month which is not covering a single thing for me. The things that it might cover, like the ultrasound that I am repeating in two weeks, won’t be covered because I can’t find a facility to do it without me having a mammogram and/or biopsy. 

So I went to bed a few nights ago very frustrated and a bit worried about how I can keep going in this journey—-physically, emotionally, mentally, and financially. And then I woke up the next morning to this in my email when I opened it for my daily prayer readings. 

God has been with me this entire time. The nurse even told me at my appointment this week that with such a low red blood cell count, she doesn’t know how I’m able to function. And I just smiled——GOD’s GRACE!! 

All the prayers and God’s grace is what has kept me moving forward these past six months.  He has given me the strength and provisions to get this far. And He sent me this reminder just when I needed it to make sure I remember that He will continue to give me strength and hold me up. 

God is so good!

***If you feel called to pray, share, and donate, thank you!  We pray daily for each person who has donated to my healing fund and each person who is praying for me and this journey

Venmo: @Melissa-Seilhan

PayPal: @tmseilhan

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