Thursday, January 18, 2024

Blessings in the Midst of Trials

What? Can there be blessings in this? I know that sounds crazy, but I have really been amazed at how God has already been using this illness to bring me blessings. 

The first and the most important blessing has been God drawing me back to Him. Not that I ever left Him, but had been sort of “going through the motions” for awhile. It was kind of like my prayer life was on autopilot— saying the same morning prayers, praying the rosary each night that I’d usually fall asleep during, skimming the daily Mass readings instead of reading and reflecting on them, etc.

Isn’t that how it usually goes? When all is going well in life, we kind of forget how important it truly is to stop and take the time to sincerely seek the Lord and listen to Him. And then disaster hits, and we fall to our knees begging for His mercy, love, compassion, forgiveness, healing, etc. But unlike us, He never “checked us off” His list. He was always there and had been just waiting for us to come back with our whole heart and soul! 

The second biggest blessing has been the new little wellness business I have been able to start. But not because of the money I’m earning, which is helping pay for the actual device I needed, but because of the people I’m meeting through it. Each week, someone new finds me and comes over for a session, and I’m always amazed by the connection we have. 

In the very beginning, God had told me that He was going to use me and this new “trial” for good and that He was going to use me to help others.  I wasn’t sure how He was going to do that and would never have expected it to be through a new business, but He confirmed that it was part of my new mission one day during my Holy Hour. 

I’d spent almost the entire hour asking Him what the plan was and specifically if starting a PEMF business was part of it. After my hour, a different lady relieved me after my hour was up.  She knelt in front of Jesus for a few minutes while I finished up and gathered my things. But before I walked out she stopped me and said, “Melissa, God wants you to know that you are entering a new season in life, and you will be doing something different.” 

My eyes filled with tears as I looked over her head at Jesus in the monstrance and smiled. I thanked her and left feeling confident that He had heard me and confident that this new business was part of His plan for me. I thought it was going to be the way for me to earn the money we needed to pay for the PEMF machine I needed, so that I could do it more often to physically heal myself. I had no idea what a blessing it was going to be for me and the spiritual and emotional healing it was going to bring.  

Through this little side biz,  I have met quite a few people. Many have found physical relief from the PEMF sessions for their aching joints, stomach pain, headaches, and even severe anxiety. But there is something so much greater happening as people enter our house for a session. We are sharing our stories with one another. We are finding connections with each other. We are sharing our faith stories with each other.

I love being a stay at home mom. I love homeschooling my two guys and a few others who have become “mine”. But as any stay-at-home mom will tell you, it is lonely. Having no adult conversation during the day can be so tough for moms. So having adults come in during the day was refreshing in itself. It has been incredible looking back at the last few months and seeing how strangers have become my friends, my prayer warriors, my partners in this mission. 

Another blessing is that I’m learning to slow down and actually rest. I’m learning to let others help even if they don’t do it like I would. I’m learning to give up control. I’m learning to say “no” instead of adding on more and more to my plate to help relieve others’ plates.  I haven’t mastered any of these, but am much better at listening to my body and resting when it has had enough. I’m learning to sit in the quiet and stillness of naptime instead of trying to check a million things off my to-do list. 

And lastly, I am so blessed to be writing again with a new mission. 

My new little prayer and therapy spot. 

If you feel called to pray, share, and donate, thank you!
Venmo: @Melissa-Seilhan
PayPal: @tmseilhan

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