Several months ago, I woke to find a marble sized lump on my left breast. I didn’t pay too much attention because I’ve had them before, and they all ended up being benign cysts. But in the back of my mind I thought, “This one is different. It feels different. It’s in a different location than all the others.” However, I did what I normally do and got out the oils, did more dry brushing, some lymphatic massages, and cut out the one cup of caffeine I had in the morning. But instead of shrinking or going away, this one grew.
It grew very quickly and became extremely painful in a short amount of time. So, I went in to see my OBGYN. The NP there suggested a mammogram which I refused. I have had them before several times and had just had one a year ago. They always make me go back in for an ultrasound because I have dense breasts, and they can never see anything on the mammogram. We were going to have to pay for this out of pocket, and I didn’t want to waste any money or my time having the mammogram first and then waiting for another call back for the ultrasound. She agreed to just give me orders for an ultrasound which turned out to be useless in our wonderful medical world.
None of the hospitals or clinics that I called would see me without doing a mammogram first except one, and they didn’t have any available appointments for several months. I took that first available date which still hasn’t arrived yet. But in the meantime, the lump continued to grow in size and the pain became almost unbearable. I found a private clinic that did ultrasound breast screenings and made an appointment the next week to get a “peaceful mind” while I waited for the other scheduled ultrasound.
It did not give me any peace, but instead gave me a “suspicious mass, probable malignancy” report and the suggestion “seek medical attention asap” because they aren’t the experts and can’t give me a diagnosis. So I sent the images and report to my doctor and requested another appointment this time with him and not the NP. During that visit, he also hints around the word “cancer”, but he’s not the expert and can’t diagnose me either. So he referred me to a breast specialist who, by the way, refused to see me without a mammogram and biopsy.
At this point I was just so frustrated with the medical system and started googling and doing my own research. Me and good ole Google are the ones who figured out that our youngest had MCAS in 2020 when no other specialist could help him. (Another long story for later!) I went down the rabbit hole of cancer research, cancer treatments, and discovered the dark side which I knew existed just not at this particular level. I realized that our adopted son’s sister was right. The biopsy spread the cancer. And the double mastectomy and chemotherapy killed her, not the cancer.
At this point, the breast center called to bump up my ultrasound appointment. Yay! I arrived only to find that they had me scheduled for a mammogram not the ultrasound I called to schedule. By this point, I have read way too many things about the dangers of mammograms and how other countries are no longer using them. So of course, I refuse and after standing my ground for quite sometime, they agree to do the ultrasound, but there was definitely a shift in their attitude toward me at this point. All the friendly smiles were gone.
After the ultrasound, the doctor came in to talk to me and again the words “highly suspicious” and “highly probable malignancy” were used. He explained how “easy” a biopsy would be, “Just a little snip, snip, snip on the breast and another little snip of the lymph node followed by implanting four little metal pieces called trackers into these four spots.” I think he was truly shocked when I didn’t immediately schedule that procedure.
I was already concerned about the one little needle biopsy allowing the cancer to seep out and spread, but he was taking about cutting four pieces off. Yeah, not happening. And then placing metal into those areas to track what happened?? Nope! I’m still detoxing from the heavy metal poisoning from 2020 that we got from our well water. And if you need to put a tracker to watch an area, that tells me something is going to happen there! Not going to happen, at least not in the way he explained and not any time soon!
I went home and dug into the cancer world even deeper, reading testimony after testimony and protocol after protocol from both sides—-the medical side and the alternative, natural side from all over the world! Then I laid it all out in prayer and asked God to help guide me in this journey. And so far, He has put numerous people, doctors, and alternative therapies in my lap and has revealed to me that He will use this journey, this new mission for the greater good no matter the outcome. I just have to put all my trust in Him and His plan for my life and our family once again.
So welcome to the newest Seilhan Family Mission: Conquer Cancer! And just like the missions He has given us before, we will need an army of prayer warriors to get us through this as well as financial supporters. Cancer treatment is not cheap or fully covered by insurance no matter the route you take. Besides doctor’s visits, tests, medicines, and treatments, there are other unexpected things like gas to and from the out-of-town appointments and therapy devices to use at home in between appointments and special diets and supplements. And because I am choosing an alternative route, none of the above except my blood work is covered by my insurance.
So here we are, once again, very humbly, asking for your prayers and support for this new mission. We are truly grateful for the prayers and support you have given us in the past. FYI: We still have all of our past benefactors on our prayer list. I pray for you specifically at adoration every Saturday and throughout the week during our family prayers.
And we will once again ask God to bless you and your families a hundredfold for your kindness and generosity to our family during this new mission.
Conquering Cancer,
The much bigger, but still crazy Seilhan Family!
PS If you feel called to pray, share, and donate, thank you! We have an GoFundMe setup as well as other ways to donate.
Venmo: @Melissa-Seilhan
PayPal: @tmseilhan
CashApp: $MelissaSeilhan