But I also knew how much time your mind has to come up with all the worst scenarios for your unborn child. She later asked for us to pray for the baby to be strong and healthy. You could see the worry in her eyes. I remembered all the fears I had with each one of my pregnancies. I also knew that our youngest was born a few weeks early and here she was 9 years later---perfect as can be. I asked our missionary translator to share a little of my story with the lady and to tell her that God listens to a mother's prayer. Pointing to Olivia, I showed her proof of answered prayers.
We left there and I continued to think of this women throughout the day. I prayed for her all day as I thought about how blessed I truly was during those three difficult years. I was surrounded by family. My grandma or my mom delivered food to me in bed while Travis was at work. I had a TV, AC/Heat, books, movies---more comforts than I can remember. I also had awesome team of doctors and a state of the art children's hospital that was taking excellent care of me and my babies. I had a car ready and available to rush me to that hospital at any moment. She did not have that. She did not have any of the luxuries that I had and yet she had a much better attitude than I can remember having.
I remember being miserable. I remember feeling sorry for myself. I remember crying and asking, "Why me? Why again?" I was probably not a very nice patient for my relatives tending to me and my needs. I was probably not a good friend to those who visited me and tried to cheer me up. I didn't know it at the time, but I was so blessed during those difficult pregnancies. As I had testified the earlier in that week, I was transformed into the woman I am today because of those difficult times. Thank you, Lord, for opening my eyes once again to Your plan.
Yes, I had been placed on this home visit team personally by God, and He still had more in store for me.....
***Please pray for this mother and all those expecting mothers who do not have the comforts most of us have during our 9 months of waiting.
Thanksgiving Mission Trip, Part 5
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