Thursday, February 21, 2013

Yes, We're Still Crazy

If you didn't read our first post about being CRAZY, you might want to go back and read it here so that you know what I'm talking about.

It's now almost official.  We turned in our applications yesterday to Family Missions Company to become full-time missionaries this September.  All we have to do is wait for our references to send back the forms saying how wonderful we are, so that FMC can approve our application packet, and then it will be officially official!

We are pretty confident that we will be accepted.  I mean, how many people wake up one day and say, "Hey, I'm going to sell everything I own, join a missionary group, and let them send me to wherever they want to send me!"  I really don't think that they have a huge amount of applications to sift through.  And since they have already conned us into to being on committees for a conference they are putting on this fall, I'm pretty sure we won't be turned down.

That means we have six months to pay off all our bills, sell all of our belongings, and raise enough funds to support our first couple months of mission life. Six short months!  It sounded much better when we were able to say "next year."  Now that "next year" has become "this year," it's starting to get a little real for me.  I like to have all my ducks in a row.  I like to know things ahead of time and right now we know nothing. 

Our biggest "unknown" right now is our house. We have someone trying to sell their place to buy ours, but are unsure of how long we should wait.  And if that sell doesn't go through, what next?  We have several other people interested in buying our place, but also someone interested in leasing it while we are gone.  Did He really mean sell everything? Can we, should we keep the house? 

We love our place and always dreamed of retiring out here and having our kids build on our property. The kids have fought over who will get the house and who will have to build their own. We have worked very hard on remodeling the old farm house, fencing in a pasture, cleaning up the barn and still have lots left that we wanted to do.  We'd love to be able to come back here one day, but is that what God wants us to do?  

This is something we have prayed about constantly.  And decided long ago that it will work itself out if we just completely trust the Lord.  But now that we only have 6 months left, it's hard to just sit back and let God take care of it.  I want it sold right now or have the lease papers worked up and signed asap.  Please pray for us and for God to show us the path we are to take---either way.

Then there's the furniture and stuff.  Most of it isn't worth much, but we do have a few things we'd like to keep for our return.  Again, we ask the same question "Did He really mean everything?" Or can we keep some of our stuff?  And if so, what do we really want to keep and what needs to go?

The other big issue, which was partly already solved, is the sell of our Traverse.  Besides the house note, it's our only big monthly expense.  We figured if we sell it soon, we can use the monthly note money to pay off some of the smaller bills faster so we could start building up our mission fund.  But weren't sure what we'd drive if we sold it.  Well, God is awesome!  Someone offered to give us an older mini van.  So, now we just need to sell the car!  Anyone in the market for a 2011 Chevy Traverse? :)

Last on our "need to-do now" list is to begin fundraising.  We have a garage sale planned for the first weekend of March.  We will hopefully be getting rid of some of our "unnecessary" items like the things stored on the top shelf of the pantry and in the tops of closets that haven't been used in years, but will gladly take your junk too!  If you're in our area, do your Lenten/Spring cleaning asap and bring us your give away piles!

So, the answer is, yes, we are still crazy. Yes, we are still planning to sell everything and follow Christ proclaiming the Gospel to all the nations.  And no, we are still not worthy nor are we qualified.  But God keeps assuring us that He will give us what we need to do what He is asking us to do.  All we have to do is TRUST.  That's the hard part.  Not my will, but Your will be done.

Consequently, if you need someone to offer up your Lenten sacrifice for, we could definitely use the extra prayers and graces.  Or if you are looking for a good cause to give your Lenten alms to, pray about helping to support our future mission. 

Thanks in advance for the prayers and support!
The Crazy Seilhans

Tax deductible donations can be sent to Family Missions Company, 12624 Everglade Road, Abbeville, LA 70510.  Please put Seilhan Family in the memo line.  You can also donate online to our account at  You can donate once or set up a monthly donation to our fund. Please know that donors/benefactors are prayed for daily.