Sunday, November 17, 2013

Ultimate Gift Update: Prayers Needed

Last year at this time, our family went down to General Cepeda, Mexico on Family Missions Company's Thanksgiving mission trip.  While there we met this family whose home was damaged by a fire and by a flood.  Our family felt called to help this family repair their damaged house.  Read about it here:  Thanksgiving Mission Trip, Part 5.

This week we found ourselves visiting this family once again.  I was ready to be greeted with huge smiles, but instead the woman looked so sad when we arrived.  She immediately began to tell us how the government is trying to make her move from this home due to a land dispute.  They have been living in this home for over ten years.  I'm not sure what all she was saying and what exactly is going on with the government, but she begged us for help and prayers.

So, I'm asking all of you, especially those of you helped repair the house, to pray for this family.  Please pray that whatever is going on with the government is resolved soon and that this family will be able to remain in their newly repaired home.

She did send her thanks to all of you who helped us repair their roof and walls and give them a cement floor.  Here are a few pictures that I took of the repairs:

Existing roof of bamboo, adobe, and plastic tarps was replaced.
Outside adobe walls were repaired and concrete was added for more durability.

Dirt floors were replaced with concrete floors.

Please pray for this woman and her family.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Back in General Cepeda

We made it back to General Cepeda, Mexico!  We have limited Internet access, so this will be a quick picture blog of our first few days.  Please keep praying for us!

Beautiful Mountains of Mexico

Hanging out at the playground after a long drive.

First Rancho Visit---Packed chapel!

Ninos offering intentions at Mass.

Isaac and Moses serving at Sunday Mass.

Seilhan Family in front of the church in General Cepeda.